Monday, July 16, 2012

Two flyers (Loudzo & Missingmile)

Killing Joke - Garbage Festival Beauregard 2012

Hi everyone! Here are two live videos that I shot myself at the Beauregard Festival this year: two of my favourite bands: Garbage and Killing Joke! You will also find a few pictures below... Enjoy!

Killing Joke

The Park

Garbage (Shirley Manson)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"It's a live!!!" Graf Orlock LIVE

On the fourth of July 2012, sixty-eight years after the allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy leading to the downfall of the nazi oppresor, Graf Orlock landed in Caen and destroyed the ruins that had been left behind...lots of heavy riffs and crowdsurfing...  

(Video & Pictures by tc1tr)